TNSCD History
Certificate of Registration of Societies
S.No: 313 of 1982I hereby certify that Tamil Nadu Sports Council of the Deaf has this day been registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act 1957 (Tamil Nadu Act 27 of 1975)
The All India Sports Council of the Deaf, New Delhi which is the National Apex Body for Deaf Sports is one of the 55 Sports Associations, recognized by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports, Government of India, meaning to promote Sports in the Country. This All India Sports Council of the Deaf alone out of the 55 National Sports Federation Associations conducts under a single canopy Championships in all the Disciplines at National and International Levels.
Meanwhile the All India Sports Council of the deaf had already recognized another organization called ‘MADRAS ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF” in 1974. Never the like performance of the Tamil Nadu’s team in the various Nationals held since 1975 onwards has been very remarkable. But the All India Sports Council of the Deaf had de-recognised its unit in Tamil Nadu in 1977 on account of NON FUNCTIONING OR PASSIVE FUNCTIONING. No audited statement of accounts had been submitted and there were no elections during these few years. Still the interest of Tamil Nadu did not suffer, Thanks to the efforts of the All India Sports Council of the Deaf (AISCD) who helped the state in all possible ways and directed their Executive Board Member of Tamil Nadu-Shri.B.Krishnamurthy to select the various Tamil Nadu team’s and send hem to the Nationals. The Financial burden was borne partly by AISCD and partly by the State Government Grants.
In this regards, All India Sports Council of the Deaf had, at State Level in Tamil Nadu authorized Shri. B.Krishnamrthy as the Authorised State Representative as part of a then existing Madras Association of the Deaf. At the instance of this authorization District and State representations were picked with due Trial Games by him and final National Representation was finally made through selected Tamil Nadu State Contingents. Through the august counsel, desire and blessings of Sri. U.S.Natarajan, I.A.S. Former Director of Sports, This TAMILNADU SPORTS COUNCIL OF THE DEAF was formed on 4th October 1982 was germinated from the very successful conduct of the FIRST TAMIL NADU STATE GAMES OF THE DEAF at Chennai –October 1982.
The TNSCD was duly registered under the Tamil Nadu Societies Registration Act of 1957 under S-313 of 1982 on 2nd December 1982 and also recognized by the Govt of Tamilnadu, under the Tamil nadu Sports Development Corporation since 1982.
This Council, thus, getting affiliated to the National Apex Body, the ALL INDIA SPORTS COUNCIL OF THE DEAF – New Delhi is the State Apex Body for deaf Sports. According to the National Council’s Norms and Annual Calendar District, State, and National Championships are gone through by this Council. The Cream of Indian Deaf Contingents at World Games of the Deaf held periodically in different countries has been one out of brunt borne by this Tamil Nadu State’s Sports Champion Deaf, and Several earlier International Medals have been to the credit of this State. To enable such widespread sports promotion among the Deaf in the State there are 20 District Level formations affiliated to this Council, entirely MANNED AND MANAGED BY THE DEAF THEMSELVES, and the Annual Calendar of Events is also hosted individually by the Various Affiliates at their Centres under the auspices of this Council which enjoys Income Tax Exemption under Section 80-G of the Income Tax Act.
Sports Promotion through this council occupies pride of place among Indian Deaf due to the fact that most Deaf of the various States of India arrive here for Education in the Special Schools and during studentship get groomed by this Council and the relative schools here into Champion materials.
They ultimately become National Champions representing this State only to drift to their Parent State after completing their studies here. They then represent their Parent State Deaf Associations to bring laurels to them. Tamil Nadu Deaf has performed well in the Nationals as per statistics furnished elsewhere in this Volume. Deaf are Arjuna and Padmashri awardees in India.
Three Young Deaf lads during their Schools and subsequent years had performed so well at State Normal and Deaf Levels together, in between becoming National Champions for years, by which they had been adjudged as the Best Sports persons of the year by the Tamil Nadu Sports Journalists’ Association and honoured with Awards at their Annual Glittering functions over the years including the Normal bests. They are – (1) Shri. M.Jesudas Fernandez (who also represented India in one of the Deaflympics), (2) Sri. S.Sajimani & (3) Sri. P.K.Jaison (Loyola College) who coveted the World Games of the Deaf in Triple Jump in the recent World Games of the Deaf held in Sofia , Bulgaria 1993 August and also the two World Silver Medals in Triple Jump and Long Jump in the World Games of the Deaf, Copenhagen, Denmark (1997 – July).
Several Topnotch Individual Champions and team Game bests have been employed on the SPORTSMERIT quota and M/s.Hindustan Photo Films Ltd, Ooty themselves are proud with a good number of our Deaf Sports Best in their Rolls. M/s. Titan Watch Industries-Hosur have purposefully and proudly written to this Council that they have taken in more than 110 Deaf with an exclusive eye on Sports Promotion have affiliated themselves to this Council in this direction.
One of the Deaf, a Placement winner in the World Games of the Deaf 1985 in Los Angeles, USA a had also been the ALL PORTS CHAMPION AMONG all the Port Trusts in India among the Normals. Deaf Sports Promotion enjoys public utility the Normal State and National Contingents have been strengthened by the Deaf Getting included. One of our Deaf Top Volleyballers, Shri.Unni by name (now in Chennai office) has represented the Income Tax Department-Bombay.
To mind the 10 and more disciplines in Sports under this one ROOF it costs us annually a Lakh and more in Rupees over and above the Government Annual Grant - not fix any ceiling for participation in the south zone and National. This Council receives an Annual Grant from the Government through the Sports Development Authorities.
This Council relies on Philanthropic contributions, Advertisements, Sponsors, and Souvenir Releases and at certain times this Council had met the Annual Demands per HANDLOANS RAISED, either among the deaf themselves or otherwise , and have been bringing in periodical moments of Glory to the State. At All India Level the other State Organisations similar to this Council envy the success story of both this council and its sports persons despite heavy odds finance wise, with NO GATES CHARGES AT ANY DEAF CHAMPIONSHIPS.
Given proper coaching calls, training camps and selection Trials with NORMALS by the various Individual Associations or arranged by the Sports Development Authority, the Deaf will certainly corner glory forging ahead of the Normal Bests. The pity is that this chance is denied by the Normals in Governance for fear of getting vanquished. A few remote village poor deaf potentials have been unearthed by this Council emerging from distant corners of this State and made to scale National Highs to become National Champions.
Newspaper’s Coverage has since been readily forthcoming looking to these stupendous turnouts by this Council and the Sports persons, even with Special supplement issues by leading Newspapers. Every National Game finds a new introduction of added events, even to the benefit of Junior and Sub-Junior boys and Girls outfits.
Several Deaf Bests ( Men –women-Boys and Girls ) having been baptized under this Council during their formative students years in the various sports events have proudly donned their Parent State’s Colour in the Normal National Contingents in Team Events as well as Individual Games. Citing the Instance of the Delhi Corporation’s extension of Discretionary Grant for the maintenance of the All India Sports Council of the Deaf-New Delhi’s Office Secretariat, this Council has been deriving similar discretionary grant from the Commissioner, Corporation of Madras and the Collector of Madras since few years at Rs.5,000/- and Rs.1,500/- per annuam. This to an extent has contributed to the official management function of a notable caliber. Looking to the hike in the costs all-round, including travel fares to the distant District and National Venues, it has been the effort of this Council to build a CORPUS through magnificent sumptuous offers from the high and low in Offices so that eyeing the enormous man-power generated by the Indian Population we too could size up a considerable number and strength of CHAMPION SPORTS CHAMPION MATERIAL making use of the Deaf in their advancement as “More than Normals” in the field of Sports since the Deaf demand less time and expenses thereat to train themselves and turnout champions at half time and cost involved for the Normals to acquit themselves well – FOR THE DEAF THROUGH THEIR EYES AND OBSERVATIONS ALONE CRASP EVERYTHING FASTER AND TO THE LETTER ‘T’. Service Oriented Units like the Lions International, Rotary International and the Round Tables keep rescuing this Council at certain times of needs as Sponsors. Some of the Business Homes and Banks have since been able to recognize both the potential of the Deaf in Sports and this Council in Management through Contributions as to their Bests. The Advance / Loans taken during the past Nationals and other Championships were partly cleared. In a Final effort the Deaf stay saved of psychosomatic affliction (most common in Normals these days) through their Sports Engagements where alone they find chances to translate immediately every mental contrivance and thought at strategy into action saving themselves from their eternal grievance at suppressed existence from cradle to grave, even emotionally.
Above all, this Council run and managed mainly by the DEAF themselves is most reputed for fulfilling all demands of the Various Rules and Acts, conducting due regular Meetings and Elections, submission of Audited Annual Accounts etc.
Now at the time when we are celebrating the Silver Jubilee Celebration Year of the existence of the TNSCD, it is fitting to salute the sports promoters. We acknowledge their help with gratitude.
History does not end with this celebration – it will continue with wide spectrum of achievements and let us all contribute our mite to make the Tamil Nadu Sports Council of the Deaf still more useful and strong